Peggy Washburn

Fish/Pearce Award

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Peggy Washburn (born Seattle, WA; lives Philadelphia, PA) is an interdisciplinary artist and educator whose work conceptually integrates ideas pertaining to balance, order, disorder and time. In addition to numerous solo shows, her work has been exhibited at the Whatcom Museum of History and Art, Bellingham, WA; Aperture Foundation, New York, NY; and Frye Art Museum and Seattle Art Museum Gallery, both Seattle, WA. Her work has been published in BETA Developments in Photography, Musée Magazine and Od Review. Her work has been acquired by permanent collections including the Harry Ransom Center, the University of Texas at Austin and The Ralph Lauren Collection as well as the Museo Nazionale della Fotografia, Brescia, Italy and the Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Paris. She serves on the Academic Advisory Board for the University of Washington’s Certificate in Photography and runs an afterschool photography program for at-risk youth in North Philadelphia.

Statement from the Artist:
This series serves my ongoing compulsion to arrange random events into a narrative; to bring past into present and create an imagined world inside of one that already exists. Invariably the work is about time, whose passage appears quietly, as an introverted guest. Time looks like splendor and torment. It is rational and messy. It can be generous yet deceptive and sometimes unavailable.