Brian Kreydatus

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Brian Kreydatus (born 1969, Auburn, NY; lives Williamsburg, VA) received a BFA from Syracuse University, NY in 1991, and an MFA from the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia in 1994. His work has been shown in numerous solo and group exhibitions including the the 73rd, 78th and 83rd ANNUAL International Competition, The Print Center, Philadelphia; and the Virginia Museum of Contemporary Art, Virginia Beach; as well as La biennale internationale d’estampe contemporaine de Trois-Rivieres, 2020, Quebec, Canada; and Kyoto International Woodprint Association, Kyoto Municipal Museum, Japan. Kreydatus was awarded a Fulbright Grant, allowing him to work at the Black Church Print Studio in Dublin, Ireland, and has had multiple artist residencies at both the Virginia Center for Creative Arts, Amherst, and La Cite International des Arts, Paris, France. His work is included in the permanent collections of Moravian College, Bethlehem, PA; Huntington Art Museum, WV; and Arkansas State University, Jonesboro; as well as Casa de las Americas, Havana, Cuba; and The Office of Public Works for the State Collection, Dublin, Ireland. Kreydatus is a professor at William & Mary where he has taught printmaking and life drawing since 2001.

Statement from the Artist:
I work with the people, places and things I know best and interact with daily. I present images drawn from my own experiences: such as family dynamics witnessed during the early part of the pandemic in my series “The 14th of April.” By revealing the almost hallucinatory experience of looking closely, andthe day in and day out of studio practice, I hope to say something universally true about the human condition.