Andrew Polk

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Andrew Polk (born Norman, OK; lives Solsberry, IN) has exhibited his prints, paintings, drawings and video works throughout the United States, as well as internationally in countries including Australia, Bulgaria, China, England, India, Ireland, New Zealand and Wales. Polk is a Professor Emeritus of the University of Arizona, Tucson, retiring in 2016 after serving on the faculty for 32 years. His work is included in 45 public collections around the world, including the Prints & Photographs Division, Library of Congress, Washington, DC; Kurt Vonnegut Museum and Library, Indianapolis, IN; Proyecto ‘Ace Print Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina; and Chhaap – Baroda Printmaking Workshop, Vadodara, India.

Statement from the artist:
I’ve been witness to nature’s reclamation, the ongoing living/dying/living/dying cycle where endings are always beginnings. This, particularly as it relates to the human experience, is at the core of my work. I am inspired by artists who revel in the exquisite act of drawing on stone and build upon the drama and clarity of black and white imagery as well as the beauty and nuance of drawing that is only available through lithography.