Nicholas Roberts

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Nicholas Roberts (born and lives Montgomery County, PA) received a BS in art education and a BFA in studio art from Kutztown University, PA in 2022. His work is held in several collections including the Sandra Corpora Collection, the Ken and Ann Marie Hawkinson Collection and Kutztown University’s permanent collection. Roberts works as a middle school art teacher in Lancaster County, PA.

Statement from the Artist:
Currently, my work is created by using various printmaking techniques, such as mezzotint and lithography, as well as oil painting and ceramics. The slow and tedious nature of these processes allows me time to reflect and deeply understand the subject matter. These processes allow me to create work that is reminiscent of classical portraiture and contemporary realism. The slow and physical nature of the mediums allows for a deeper human connection to be made between the artist, process, and finished artwork.

I am drawn to portray figures, portraits and aspects of the natural world. I I use conflicting elements within the work to reveal the human condition and explore the deeper psychological states of man.