Noah Addis

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Noah Addis (born 1975, Willingboro, NJ; lives Philadelphia, PA) worked as a staff photojournalist for New Jersey’s The Star-Ledger, where he won numerous awards including a shared 2005 Pulitzer. He has been awarded fellowships from the George A. and Eliza Gardner Howard Foundation, Independence Foundation, Ohio Arts Council and Center for Emerging Visual Artists. Addis was a recipient of a Philadelphia Museum of Art Photography Portfolio Award, was selected for a Photolucida Critical Mass Top 50 and was awarded a Solo Show Award from Blue Sky Gallery, Portland, OR. Solo and group exhibitions include Pictura Gallery, Bloomington, IN; Main Line Art Center, Haverford, PA; Loyola University Museum of Art, Chicago, IL; Center for Emerging Visual Artists and 110 Church Gallery, both Philadelphia; and the Salt Institute for Documentary Studies, Portland, ME. Addis’ work has been published in Life Magazine’s Year in Pictures, Time, Newsweek, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Monocle, The British Journal of Photography, Justapoz, Photo District News, AintBad, Lens Culture, Fraction Magazine, Wired, and The Photo Review. Addis teaches Photography at Drexel University, Philadelphia.

Statement from the Artist:
Addis’ work occupies the space between documentary and fine art photography, using the camera to find order in the chaos of everyday urban life. “Meditations in an Emergency” is a series of photographs taken within walking distance of Addis’ home in Philadelphia during a time of a pandemic, staggering income inequality and growing political unrest.