Julia Curran

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Julia Curran (born Saint Louis, MO; lives Los Angeles, CA) has a BA in Printmaking from Truman State University, Kirksville, MO and an MFA in Printmaking and Sculpture from Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, TX. She has exhibited her work at El Paso Museum of Art, TX; Fort Wayne Museum of Art, IN; SPRING/BREAK Art Fair, Los Angeles; Field Projects and Print Center New York, both NY; Rochester Contemporary Art Center, NY; and Duane Reed Gallery, St. Louis. MO; as well as at Musée Roger Quillot, Clermont-Ferrand, France; Curran’s work has been published in Hey! Magazine, Studio Visit, and Friend of the Artist, and she was a Fulbright scholar in Paris. Recently, she had artist residencies at Jentel Foundation, Banner and Tongue River Artist Residency, Dayton, both WY; and Wassaic Project, NY.

Statement from the Artist:
My recent work casts Mother Nature as mischievous, hungry, and not entirely benevolent. Monster-deities lurk just below the surface, lying in wait to devour, digest, decompose and regenerate. Historically rooted in danse macabre prints and memento mori paintings, these works remind us that one day, even those of us most inclined toward greed and cataclysm will die—and the earth will eat them so that new life can spring forth.
