Peggy Washburn

Peggy Washburn (born Seattle, WA, lives Philadelphia PA) has exhibited at Whatcom Museum of History and Art, Bellingham, WA; The Rose Lehrman Art Center, Harrisburg, PA; Aperture, New York, NY; Woodmere Art Museum, Philadelphia, PA; Frye Art Museum and Seattle Art Museum, both Seattle, WA. Washburn’s work is in the collections of The Harry Ransom Center, Austin, TX;  Bibliothéque Nationale de France, Paris; Museo Nazionale della Fotografia, Brescia, Italy; and The Ralph Lauren Collection. Her work has been published in BETA Developments in Photography, Frames Magazine, Lenscratch, Musée Magazine, Od Review andOne Twelve. She is on the Academic Advisory Board for University of Washington’s Certificate in Photography and runs an after-school photography program in North Philadelphia.

Statement from the Artist about the series “Precisely Now”:
All things happen, happen to one, precisely now. Century follows century, and things happen only in the present. There are countless men in the air, on land and at sea, and all that reallyhappens happens to me.
-Jorge Luis Borges, The Garden of Forking Paths

Combining images satisfies my compulsion to place the random into a narrative. These narratives loosely explore ideas surrounding balance, memory and time, while paying homage to irrational superstitions. They reflect a variety of influences, based on the relevance I apply to particular happenings in my life and the world at large. They mirror a chaos which sometimes pervades my consciousness, mixing past with present to form an imagined world inside of an existing one.