Agathe Bouton

Agathe Bouton (born 1969, Paris, France; lives Wynnewood, PA) has a BFA in Painting and Printmaking and an MFA in Arts and Textile Design from École Supérieure des Arts Appliqués Duperré, Paris. Selected solo exhibitions include: Centre d’Arts Plastiques Albert Chanot, Clamart, France; Biennale de l’Art Africain Contemporain, Dakar, Senegal; Galerie Od’A in Istanbul, Turkey; Bettie Morton Gallery, London, UK; Galerie Martine Namy-Caulier, Paris; Stanek Gallery, Philadelphia, PA; and River Gallery, Yangon, Myanmar. Bouton’s work is held in the Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris; Cabinet des Estampes, Strasbourg; Free Library of Philadelphia and Swarthmore College Library, both PA. Honors include the Pierre Laurent First Prize, Albi, France; finalist in the Prix GRAV’X, Paris, 1999 and 2005; Semifinalist 2017, 2018 in The Print Center ANNUAL International Competition; Betsy Meyer Award for Contemporary Art, Main Line Art Center, Haverford, PA; and the Women United Art Prize. In 2022, Bouton was a visiting artist at Tyler School of Art and Architecture, Temple University, Philadelphia.