Samantha Buchanan

Samantha Buchanan (born Kansas City, MO; lives Chicago, IL and Reno, NV) has a BA from Tulane University, New Orleans, LA and an MFA in Printmaking from Illinois State University, Normal. Her work has been shown at ICOSA as part of Print Austin, TX; Painting Center, New York, NY;  Holland Project Billboard Gallery, Reno; and Baitball 02, Polignano a Mare, Italy. Her work has been published in Maake Magazine and Art Maze Magazine and is included in the permanent collections of the University of Tennessee, Knoxville and Limerick School of Art & Design, Limerick, Ireland. She has had artist residencies at Kala Art Institute, Berkeley, CA and Skopelos Center for the Arts, Greece. Buchanan teaches Printmaking and Visual Foundations at the University of Nevada, Reno.

Statement from the Artist:
My monotypes incorporate materials that are sensitive to ambient situations — such as screens, mesh, and other perforated textiles — in their unique ability to be either opaque or transparent depending on variations in environmental context. For example, shifts in a person’s angle of view, changes in light from the time of day, or movement caused by airflow, all change the viewing experience. Combining layers of colored screens increases this effect and encourages light, space, and color to transform and mutate, creating numerous potential interactions with the work. Such a multifaceted viewing experience highlights not only the inherent subjectivity of perception and all the uncertainty that this entails, but also the pleasure that can be derived from tenuous and ephemeral relations with light and color.