Free and Open to the Public
11:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Tuesday through Saturday
The Print Center
1614 Latimer Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103
215 735.6090
215 735.5511 fax
The Print Center encourages the growth and understanding of photography and printmaking as vital contemporary arts through exhibitions, publications and educational programs.
Click here to download The Print Center's Annual Report
The Print Center is a nonprofit organization, sustained in great part by individual donations. Your generosity is critical to our ability to provide exceptional programming. Donate to make a gift in support of The Print Center.
Have you remembered The Print Center in your will, trust or estate plan? Planned giving is an important way to secure the future of The Print Center while receiving maximum tax and estate benefits. To learn more, please contact Liz Spungen, Executive Director, at 215.735.6090 ext. 4 or lspungen@printcenter.org.
The Print Center is a federal tax-exempt 501(c)3 organization and is registered as a charitable organization with the Pennsylvania Department of State’s Bureau of Charitable Organizations.
Your membership supports all of The Print Center's extraordinary programming, offers many benefits and is available at a variety of levels. JOIN NOW!
Founded in 1915 as one of the first venues in this country dedicated to the appreciation of prints, The Print Club supported the "dissemination, study, production, and collection of works by printmakers, American and foreign." In 1942, The Print Club donated its collection of prints to the Philadelphia Museum of Art forming the core of their fledgling print department. Exhibitions have featured the work of Mary Cassatt, Pablo Picasso, Dox Thrash, Jasper Johns, Ansel Adams, Art Spiegelman, and more recently Kara Walker, Jerry Uelsmann, John Coplans, Kerry James Marshall, Nancy Spero and Leon Golub, Ann Hamilton, Vera Lutter, Abelardo Morell and Doug and Mike Starn.
In 1996, The Print Club changed its name to The Print Center to mark its commitment to serve both its members and the community.
The Print Center holds solo and group exhibitions highlighting gifted new artists, acknowledging long-term commitment to printmaking and photography, or identifying relevant trends in those fields. Each year, The Print Center mounts nine to ten solo exhibitions and two to three group shows in The Print Center’s galleries, in non-gallery public locations, and in traveling exhibitions. The Annual International Competition has the distinction of being the oldest of its kind in the country. Entrants from all over the world are eligible for awards such as solo exhibitions at The Print Center, inclusion in the permanent collection at the Philadelphia Museum of Art and monetary prizes.
The Print Center Series provides ongoing educational programs that provide an opportunity for the whole community to explore topical ideas, current discourse, approaches to collecting and changing technologies, processes and materials during discussion groups, lectures, panels and workshops. Offerings include Gallery Store Talks, which feature informal discussions by Gallery Store and exhibiting artists about their work; Critique & Conversation which offers artists a unique opportunity to have their work informally critiqued by an accomplished art professional; and The Contemporaries, which pairs local food and drink specialty events with presentations by accomplished artists intended to cultivate and inform a new generation of art enthusiasts. The Artists-in-Schools Program is our award winning program of educational community outreach that brings visual art education to students in underserved, disadvantaged Philadelphia Public Schools.
Self-guided school group tours are always welcome at The Print Center. Hundreds of high school and university students view our exhibitions annually. Guided tours are available by appointment. For more information, please call 215 735.6090 x3 or email info@printcenter.org.
The Gallery Store offers the largest and most diverse selection of contemporary prints in Philadelphia, thereby supporting emerging and established local, national and international artists by displaying and promoting their work.
The Print Center makes its renovated carriage house and charming garden located near Rittenhouse Square on intimate Latimer Street (between Spruce and Locust and 16th and 17th) available for Rentals. The open gallery space creates the perfect atmosphere for cocktail parties, informal buffets, lectures, concerts, and receptions. Guests enjoy the exhibitions of prints and photographs and a lovely outdoor garden. For more information, please call 215 735.6090 x2 or email info@printcenter.org.
The Print Center provides structured training in arts administration,
curatorial work and gallery management to college students who,
in turn, earn valuable college credit. For more information, please
call 215 735.6090 or email info@printcenter.org.
[Click Here]

From Center City - The Print Center is located
on the South side of the 1600 block of Latimer Street between Spruce
and Locust Streets.
From New York/Northern New Jersey - Take
I-95 South to I-676 West. Take the Broad Street exit. Turn right
(South) on 15th Street. Take 15th St. to Latimer St. (just after
Locust) and turn right. This is the 1500 block of Latimer. Continue
straight on Latimer to the 1600 block and The Print Center is on
the left-hand side at 1614 Latimer.
From Southern New Jersey - Take the Ben Franklin
Bridge into Center City. Follow I-676 West and take the Broad Street
exit. Turn right (South) on 15th Street. Take 15th St. to Latimer
St. (just after Locust) and turn right. This is the 1500 block of
Latimer. Continue straight on Latimer to the 1600 block and The
Print Center is on the left-hand side at 1614 Latimer.
From Delaware and points South - Take I-95
North to I-676 West. Take the Broad Street exit. Turn right (South)
on 15th Street. Take 15th St. to Latimer St. (just after Locust)
and turn right. This is the 1500 block of Latimer. Continue straight
on Latimer to the 1600 block and The Print Center is on the left-hand
side at 1614 Latimer.
From points Northwest and Southwest of Philadelphia
- Take I-76 to I-676 East. Take the Broad Street exit. Turn right
(South) on 15th Street. Take 15th St. to Latimer St. (just after
Locust) and turn right. This is the 1500 block of Latimer. Continue
straight on Latimer to the 1600 block and The Print Center is on
the left-hand side at 1614 Latimer.
The nearest parking lot to The Print Center is located
one block away on the 1500 block of Latimer St. Take 15th Street
to Latimer (just after Locust) and turn right. Latimer Garage is
on the left-hand side of Latimer Street.