Sam Scoggins

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Sam Scoggins (born 1958, Toronto, Canada; lives Woodstock, NY and London, UK) is a graduate of the London College of Communication and the Royal College of Art. Recent exhibitions and awards include the Center for Photographic Art 2019 International Juried Exhibition, CPA, Carmel, CA; Klompching Gallery, Dumbo, NY; A Smith Gallery, Johnson City, TX; International Photography Contest, Muhammad Ali Center, Louisville KY; and Providence Art Club, Providence, RI, all 2019; Art Bar Gallery, Kingston, NY; Woodstock Artist Association and Museum, Woodstock, NY; and London Experimental Film Festival, London, UK, all 2018.

Statement from the Artist:
This project consists of photographs of landscapes that do not exist. I generated the images using a GAN (Generative Adversarial Network). A GAN is a form of Artificial Intelligence. As humans destroy the natural environment, one day we may have to inhabit an artificial habitat generated for us by AI. It is towards this dystopian, but increasingly likely future that this project looks.