Yesuk Seo

Yesuk Seo (born 1988, Gainesville, FL; lives Brooklyn, NY) is a multi-disciplinary artist working in printmaking and installation. She received a BFA in Fine Arts from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago and an MFA in Sculpture from Pratt Institute, Brooklyn. Her works have been included in several selected group exhibitions at BRIC and Boiler/Pierogi, both Brooklyn; efa Project Space, International Print Center New York and Lower East Side Printshop, all New York; as well as GS E&C and Gallery DOS, both Seoul, South Korea. She participated in the Keyholder Residency at Lower East Side Printshop, New York; was an Artist-in-Residence at Sculpture Space, Inc., Utica, NY; and at the Studios @ MASSMoCA, North Adams, MA.

Statement from the Artist:
I present hidden riddles of mysterious souvenir collections from my grandfather who left them to my family after his death. When he died, his house and garden were gentrified so the spaces no longer exist. I seek traces of his house in my memories through photographs and his objects. When I look into his souvenir collection in the glass cabinet, arrangements of animal, plant, and human-shaped objects seem to be a miniature park and sculpture garden. Some objects are connected to stories of places I had long forgotten. They are not only Korean cultural objects but also different countries’ objects from Europe, South Africa, South & East Asia and America. This does not show any hierarchy. His collections make me curious about where he got them as well as why he kept them and left them to us. I am trying to find the meanings inside.