2021-22 School Year

Fall 2021 Curricular Framework: Abstraction & Identity

AISP returned to in-person learning in Fall 2021. Teaching-artists worked from the Abstraction and Identity curricula to customize inspiring projects for their students.

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Spring 2022 Curricular Framework: Activism

Printmaking has been described as the most democratic form of art, and has been a utilized throughout history as a medium for activism. The ability to create multiples has made original art accessible to vast, global audiences for centuries, often amplifying calls for protest, resistance and justice. Photography, a relatively new medium in comparison, has become an activist tool that gives anyone the ability to record, reflect and respond to their world through first-person documentation. Print media saturates urban visual culture, manifesting everywhere from corner-store advertisements to wheat-pasted posters and stenciled graffiti. The accessible nature of contemporary print and photography make a powerful and easy point of entry to the exploration of topics that impact urban high school students.

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