Juana Estrada Hernández

Solo Exhibition Award

Juana Estrada Hernández (born 1995, Louis Moya, Zacatecas, Mexico, lives Providence, RI) has a BFA from Fort Hays State University, KS, and an MFA from the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque. She has exhibited nationally and internationally, including at the National Hispanic Cultural Center, Tamarind Institute and University of New Mexico Art Museum, all Albuquerque; National Museum of Mexican Art, Chicago, IL; Janet Turner Print Museum, Chico, CA; Cleveland Art Institute, OH; El Paso Museum of Art, TX; Print Center New York, NY; and Roswell Art Museum, NM. Collections holding her work include the University of New Mexico Printmaking Collection, Albuquerque; Chicago Printmakers Collaborative; Janet Turner Print Museum; Samek Art Museum, Lewisburg, PA; and New Mexico State Department of Cultural Affairs, Santa Fe; as well as Laval University, Quebec City; and National Library and Archives of Quebec, Montreal, Canada. She has received awards and residencies including the Bloom Artist Residency, Chicago Printmakers Collaborative; Elkard Artist-in-Residence, Bucknell University; Fulcrum Fund Grant, 516 Arts; International Artist Residency, Megalo Print Studios; and New Voices Program, Print Center New York. Estrada Hernández is Assistant Professor of Printmaking at the Rhode Island School of Design, Providence.

Juana Estrada Hernández: !Echale Ganas!, on view at The Print Center January 24 – April 5, 2025.
